Business AI Design Workshop

Define a to-be scenario with AI capabilities

This workshop is designed to explore user objectives and challenges within a specific use case or solution, and to define a future scenario that leverages AI capabilities to address these challenges.


Understand the as-is situation and define an improved to-be scenario.


Team of up to 8 participants, including end users, developers, and designers


1 day (onsite), or 2 x ½ days (virtual)


Discover / Design

Before You Start

Select a use case
Have a use case selected. You can run an Explore Workshop to define and select a use case.
Do a vision exercise
Make sure different stakeholders are aligned on the vision for the project and the project plan. You can use the Vision Board method to define the vision and the Game Plan to create an action plan.

Materials you will need

Templates for Download

Download All Templates

Templates for Virtual Collaboration

(Registration to MURAL is required)

Workshop Webinar

Watch this webinar to get comprehensive overview of the Business AI Explore and the Business AI Discover/Design workshop formats, with practical examples and actionable tips for conducting your own sessions.


The following steps are meant to guide you through the exercises of the workshop. For more detailed instructions and recommendations, download the Workshop Guide.

  • 45 min

Getting started

Begin the session by outlining the agenda and purpose, and establish ground rules for focus, and active participation. Participants will then write their name, role, motivations, and expectations on a large post-it, along with an answer to the question: ‘If you could integrate one AI capability into your brain, what would it be and why?’ This post-it will be used for a one-minute introduction by each participant. Then, have a customer representative present the relevant use case(s). If multiple use cases exist, participants can form breakout teams to focus on one each. Ensure all use case content is prepared in advance using the Use Case Brief template.

See template for the introduction of the team.

Have this entire section in a separate (virtual) session prior to the workshop, using the “Getting started” area of the MURAL board

  • 90 min

As-is experience journey map

For this step, you can use the Experience Map template, or create the same structure on a whiteboard or similar surface.

Describe the experience to improve
Fill in general information about the experience journey map, such as the experience to optimize, duration / frequency, user roles involved and users’ objectives in relation to the solution.
Write the user’s actions
Assign each selected role its own lane on the experience journey map, using different colors for distinction. Begin at the end by defining the ‘Goal’ of the experience. Then, trace back to the start, detailing each action performed by the main actors, starting with the trigger event. Also, note the required information and systems for each action.
Define the main pain-points to focus on
Mark challenging steps with a red mark and use a red post-it to note why they are challenging. Then, vote on the 3 to 5 most critical challenges to solve, marking the affected process areas. These highlighted areas will be the primary focus for improvements in the future solution.

See example

Ask participants to map a ‘rainy day scenario’ to identify and highlight the challenges users face throughout the process.

  • 135 min

Ideate improvements with AI

For this step, you will need the Business AI Ideation Cards and the Capability Idea Napkin template.

Identify AI capabilities
Silently, go through the AI Ideation cards and select the 6 most useful to improve the current experience. Review the selected cards and discuss what challenges and/or steps each capability helps to address. You can place the selected cards in the part of the experience map they support.
Ideate improvements with AI
Individually, write down how the selected capabilities might support end users in the future solution, completing the phrase: ‘With this capability, the solution could…’ Then, share ideas card by card, removing duplicates. Finally, select the top 6 to 8 ideas to include in the future solution.
Detail out selected ideas
Distribute the selected ideas among the team members to work simultaneously. For each selected idea, fill in the Capability Idea Napkin Template with an example showing how the capability should work. And, share the detailed ideas with the team.

See examples

If participants realize that two selected cards overlap in its purpose, they are allowed to change the card.
Have participants check if the ideas selected address the focus challenges selected earlier.

  • 120 min

To-be scenario with AI

Create a vision storyline
As a team, write a storyline following the
The Vision Storyline integrates the step-by-step format of a journey map with the benefits and value propositions of the future solution, making it an ideal deliverable for project sponsors. To create the storyline, use the provided example. The main character should be the primary user of the solution, identified previously in the as-is experience journey map. Weave described AI capability ideas into the ‘Use of the solution’ part of the storyline.
Visualize the story and define data and systems needed
As an optional step, create a storyboard from your storyline by dividing it into scenes and distributing these among participants for simultaneous visualization. Use Scenes to visualize your story. After completing the storyline, participants should lay it out in a horizontal lane, marking where each selected AI capability occurs. Then, identify the necessary data and systems needed to bring the story to life.

See examples

To make the storyline exercise easier, ask participants to envision creating a commercial to promote their new solution, using the storyline they develop as the script for that commercial.
While creating the storyline, use the described capabilities as a checklist to ensure that all necessary features are incorporated into the storyline.

You’re done!

Congratulations on creating a To-be scenario with AI capabilities! Next, develop a Solution Concept Diagram to outline your future solution’s architecture. If you skipped the storyboard, convert your storyline into a storyboard using the PPT version of Scenes to present the idea to sponsors.