People working collaborativly


A journey towards innovation

The SAP AppHaus and its Network partners offer you different engagement types. From discovering innovation opportunities like rethinking business processes and user interfaces to delivering scalable solutions – we enable and accompany your journey, regardless of your level of maturity.
You can choose between the engagement types below or book a combination to have the perfect end-to-end experience.

Explore Innovation
Explore Innovation
to discover use cases
Mountain Icon
Uncover innovative use cases with high business value that meet the real needs of your end users and can be realized with digital technologies.
Process Icon
1 to 2 days workshop with your key business and IT experts to understand user needs leveraging SAP’s Human-Centered Approach to Innovation.
plus Icon
A combination of Design Thinking and Architecture Thinking identifies real business challenges in your company which turn into innovation opportunities.
Target Icon
A prioritized and evaluated list of use cases and/or business models.
An understanding of how the use cases can be realized with technology.
Number 1
Design Innovation
Design Innovation
to prototype use cases
Mountain Icon
Gain a deeper understanding of your prioritized use case and design, build and test a user-centric prototype.
Process Icon
Joint project work together with your end users, business and IT stakeholders to focus on one of the dentified use cases. Extended enduser and market research, prototyping and testing takes place.
plus Icon
The design prototype ensures a viable, desirable and feasible to-be solution which is validated, accepted and signed-off with your end users, IT and business stakeholders.
Target Icon
A validated solution design proposal, an effort estimation for its realization, a proposed solution architecture and a software product roadmap.
Number 2
Deliver Innovation
Deliver Innovation
to implement use cases
Mountain Icon
Build and implement a scalable solution for productive use.
Process Icon
End-user testing, supporting go-live, running and scaling of the solution.
plus Icon
Rapid time to market enabled through end-to-end engagements provided by the SAP AppHaus Network.
Target Icon
Go-live of the solution, ensuring a high user adoption rate and scalability.
Number 3
Explore Innovation
to discover use cases
Mountain Icon
Uncover innovative use cases with high business value that meet the real needs of your end users and can be realized with digital technologies.
Process Icon
C to 2 days workshop with your key business and IT experts to understand user needs leveraging SAP's Human-Centered Approach to Innovation.
plus Icon
A combination of Design Thinking and Architecture Thinking identifies real business challenges in your company which turn into innovation opportunities.
Target Icon
A prioritized and evaluated list of use cases or a set of business model options. An understanding of how the use cases can be realized with technology.
Design Innovation
to prototype use cases
Mountain Icon
Gain a deeper understanding of your prioritized use case and design, build and test a user-centric prototype.
Process Icon
Diverse project team of end-users, business and IT stakeholders working in an agile way to build and adjust the solution design where end-user feedback is key.
plus Icon
The design prototype ensures a viable, desirable and feasible to-be solution which is validated, accepted and signed-off with your end users, IT and business stakeholders.
Target Icon
A validated solution design proposal, an effort estimation for its realization, a proposed solution architecture and a software product roadmap.
Deliver Innovation
to implement use cases
Mountain Icon
Build and implement a scalable solution for productive use.
Process Icon
This program focuses on the five key enablers of innovation: People, Process, Place, Leadership and Technology. An initial survey assessment is followed by a scoping workshop, to customize the program to the needs of your organization.
plus Icon
Your company will gain faster innovation cycles, agile realization, eased adoption of innovations, less push a backs and a highly motivated workforce.
Target Icon
Established innovation approach, process and governance. Extended Design Thinking & Architecture Thinking as well as UX practice skills within your company.

For a successful implementation and adoption of new solutions and business models in your company, it requires a groundwork for innovation to flourish and grow. For that, we offer an innovation culture program that helps you and your team to develop an innovator mindset and paves the way to become a future-oriented enterprise.

Establish Innovation Culture


Boost innovation capabilities by establishing a tailored innovation culture within a specific team, division or the company holistically.


This program focuses on the five key enablers of innovation: People, Process, Place, Leadership and Technology. An initial survey assessment is followed by a scoping workshop, to customize the program to the needs of your organization.


Your company will gain faster innovation cycles, agile realization, eased adoption of innovations, less push a backs and a highly motivated workforce.


Established innovation approach, process and governance. Extended Design Thinking & Architecture Thinking as well as UX practice skills within your company.
Establish Innovation Culture


Boost innovation capabilities by establishing a tailored innovation culture within a specific team, division or the company holistically.


This program focuses on the five key enablers of innovation: People, Process, Place, Leadership and Technology. An initial survey assessment is followed by a scoping workshop, to customize the program to the needs of the organization.


Companies will gain faster innovation cycles, agile realization, eased adoption of innovations, less push a backs and a highly motivated workforce.


Established innovation approach, process and governance. Extended Design Thinking & Architecture Thinking as well as UX practice skills within the company.

All offerings can also be conducted virtually/remote.



Would you like to work with us or learn more about the details of one of our offerings.


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