
See Human-Centered Innovation in Action

Featured Publications

How to Customize SAC UI Themes: A Basic Guide

Make Your SAP Analytics Cloud Truly Yours! This easy-to-follow guide will walk you through UI-theming basics, with a focus on the canvas page layout.
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Get Inspired with Human-Centered Design

Learn how SAP’s Human-Centered Approach to Innovation is applied in real projects.

Girl with phone and mask

Testing the Design of the German Corona-Warn-App: Online Studies

Germany’s Corona-Warn-App now counts over 24 million downloads. User experience is crucial for the adoption rate of any app, no matter if it is a business or consumer grade app. Thus, there was a strong need for design decisions to be supported by empirical data through user research.
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Rethinking the Collaboration of Healthcare Professionals with a Human-Centered Approach

A team of healthcare professionals from the University Hospital Heidelberg visited the SAP AppHaus in Heidelberg for a Design Thinking workshop to define their vision. Click here to learn more about the workshop and our relationship with the hospital.
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From Designing for Efficiencies to Designing for Intelligence

"The key to become a great enterprise architect is not to have the right answers. Instead, it is about knowing the right questions to ask". Read the blog article about an enterprise architect's journey to creative thinking by our colleague Laura Mendoza.
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UX Research: A Key Factor for Success in the Design Process

UX research, or design research serves many purposes throughout the design process. It helps us identify, prove or disprove our assumptions, find commonalities across our target audience members, and recognize their needs, goals, and mental models.
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Shape Innovation in Your Organization

Are you looking to establish a culture open to innovation in your organization? Learn how the innovation enablers such as people, place, leadership and technology can impact your innovation journey.

Build up an innovation environment with the right skills, leadership and space

The Next Way of Working

As the world slowly reopens after Covid-19, we reimagined hybrid work for an innovation team. This white paper tackles the challenge: How might we design a hybrid way of working so that we can innovate effectively?
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Humanizing Leadership

10 Timeless recommendations from Andreas Hauser on how to lead design & innovation teams with passion in the enterprise space.
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Fostering Design Mindsets In Large Organizations

Founded by SAP, Nestlé, and Philips, about 6 years ago, the the Design at Business Community currently has members from more than 130 organizations and 700+ members worldwide.
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Let Your Creativity Resonate in Space

Our workspace does a lot more than equip us with four walls and a desk to get stuff done. It influences our behavior, impacts the way we interact with one another, and displays the culture of an organization to visitors.
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Apply SAP technologies to make innovation real

Human Impact of Biased AI in Business

As Andrew Ng, adjunct professor at Stanford, describes it, “AI is the next electricity, and there is no going back.” Just as electricity has changed many industries since it was introduced, so will AI.
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A Use Case for SAP Business Technology Platform: Intelligent Music Chart Prediction

SAP Business Technology Platform in the music industry? Doesn't sound like a fit to you yet? We recently published an article about how SAP Business Technology Platform could revolutionise the music industry by connecting real data with emotions.
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Launching an Enterprise Architecture Community

Did you know the SAP AppHaus has an EA Community? In 2023, the SAP AppHaus Network launched the enterprise architecture (EA) community. It aims at leveraging the EA expertise across the globe and at learning from other network members and SAP experts.
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