Reframe the Challenge
Make a high-level design challenge more specific and actionable
The Reframe the Challenge method helps a team make a design challenge more specific and actionable by articulating what user groups, experiences, and constraints exist.
Once articulated, the team can prioritize which target user, experience and constraints to focus on. This exercise is critical for a team to discover the right problem to solve.
Translate a high-level challenge into a specific and actionable design challenge.
Designers, Business Leads
30 minutes
Before You Start
- You Have Identified Use Case Ideas with Business Impact
- It is best to start the reframing exercise with a prioritized list of use case ideas that can help to solve identified business challenges. Such a list will be the result of the Use Case Exploration Workshop. Therefore we recommend to have that workshop before starting to reframe the challenge:
Materials You Will Need
Resources for Download
Download All ResourcesTemplates for Virtual Collaboration
Reframing the challenge includes several steps. We recommend completing them in one session.
Brainstorm for Each Aspect of Your Challenge
Do a silent brainstorm for each aspect of your challenge. Think about how you could narrow down the topic or challenge to an experience, user group(s), and constraints.
Participants should be instructed to look at the challenge from different angles, express their understanding of the focus, and open up to other interpretations.
Share Your Ideas With the Group
Together, cluster ideas by experience, user group, and constraint based on similarity. Once you cluster the ideas, decide on one cluster to be the final one based on priority and impact.
Review the Previous Step’s Results
Take another 5 minutes for participants to review the responses and ask questions for clarification.
Define the Final Challenge
Define the final challenge based on your team’s clustering and prioritization.
You're Done!
You have a reframed challenge and are ready for the next step, which is recommended to be engaging in user research, preferably on the customer site, utilizing our Field Research Guide.