Innovation Culture Assessment

Innovation Culture Assessment

An assessment tool that you can take to find out your organization’s innovation culture maturity, barriers to innovation you might be facing, and strategies to overcome them. The assessment is free and takes about 15 minutes. Your data is safe and private.

Take the Assessment

Why Design-Led Innovation?

Several reports (McKinsey, Invision, DMI ) show a strong positive correlation between design and business value. They demonstrate that design-driven organizations outperform their counter parts in business growth and performance. Such companies go beyond using design as a service, seeing it instead as a catalyst for organizational change and something that should drive business strategy and innovation.


SAP’s Innovation Readiness Assessment offers tremendous value to organizations interested in harnessing the power of design to drive systemic innovation at their companies.

– Jeneanne Rae, founder of Motiv Strategies and DMI’s Design Value Index

Innovation Culture Stages

How can organizations create cultures of design-led innovation? To answer this question, we developed an innovation culture framework based on our experience working closely with over 1000 clients around the world on strategic design and co-innovation initiatives. We identified four distinct stages to innovation culture, from being interested to scaled. This assessment will help you find out your organization’s innovation culture stage and ways to move to the next.


Efforts are grassroots and ad-hoc. Design is seen as a cost.


Design is important and some resources are provided, but success is not sustainable.


Competent design capabilities are used as part of day-to-day business activities.


Design-led innovation is practiced throughout the organization, and design drives business strategy.

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Innovation Culture Assessment for Organizations

If you want to assess your organization’s (a team, division, or an entire organization) innovation culture, we can work with you to create a group assessment. Your final report will contain barriers to innovation in your organization & strategies to overcome them.

Request Team Assessment

Great design works best when we create it together
