Design: Recommended Path

Complete the Design phase step by step

The main objective of the design phase is to transform identified challenges into concrete solutions that are technically feasible and viable. The steps proposed below will help you achieve this.

At the end of this guided path, you will have:

  • analysed different ideas to solve the identified challenges and selected the best ones to prototype
  • created a prototype to showcase how your idea should work
  • developed a target technical architecture for your proposed solution that addresses stakeholder concerns
  • received feedback about your solution ideas


Ideation Guide
Generate ideas in structured, yet creative ways.
See Method

Idea Napkin

Idea Napkin Describe your ideas from brainstorming and make them easier to prioritize.
See Method

Prototyping Guide

Prototyping Guide
Learn to make ideas tangible and ready for validation by creating a model of how they might work.
See Method

Vision Storyboard

Vision Storyboard
Create a visual story of how your proposed solution idea could be used in a future scenario.
See Method

Validate your Business Model

Business Model Innovation Canvas Icon Create a robust business model for your solution so it can be successfully deployed at scale.
See Method

Investor Pitch

Investor Pitch
Describe your solution and the problem it solves to present it to management and key stakeholders for sign-off.​
See Method

Use Case Blueprint Diagram

Use Case Blueprint
Pivot from Design Thinking to Architectural Thinking by mapping user actions to architectural requirements such as applications, data and specific technical features.
See Method

Baseline Solution Architecture

Baseline Solution Architecture
Describe existing applications and IT components relevant for the use case.
See Method

Solution Concept Diagram

Solution Concept Diagram
A high-level representation of the aspired solution via Architecture Building Blocks.
See Method

Solution Realization Diagram

Solution Realization Diagram
A technical description of the aspired solution via Solution Building Blocks.
See Method

Architectural Decisions List

Architectural Decisions List
Document your architectural decisions and reasoning.
See Method

Conceptual Data Diagram

Conceptual Data Diagram
Describe information objects processed by the architecture.
See Method

Software Distribution Diagram

Software Distribution Diagram
Shows how Architecture and Solution Building Blocks are distributed across the IT infrastructure.
See Method

Congratulations, you have finished the design phase!

Continue your innovation journey with the methods from the Deliver Phase