
Located north of the Berlin Central Station, the SAP AppHaus Berlin joins the beat of one of Europe’s most vibrant and culturally diverse cities. Together with the SAP Labs building and the SAP Experience Center, the AppHaus Berlin strengthens SAP’s presence in the heart of the German capital.

Facts and Figures

The SAP AppHaus recently moved its location into the SAP Labs Berlin office building which opened in October 2023. Situated in the innovative heart of Berlin’s “Europacity”, the office building is a hub of creativity and collaboration. It’s a space designed to fuel the future, fostering a digital and forward-thinking work environment.

About the Space

The SAP AppHaus Berlin opened its doors to customers in late 2016. They just recently moved their official office location to the new SAP Labs Berlin building which is just a stone-throw away from the Berlin Central Station. It is equipped with advanced customer meeting rooms, flexible Design Thinking spaces, and an SAP Experience Center providing a superior end-to-end customer experience.

Face-to-face customer workshops can be organized in the SAP Berlin office or in the SAP DataSpace, SAP’s event-hosting location in Berlin, which operates its own restaurant and café next to the popular Hackesche Höfe in Berlin Mitte.


Parking is available for visitors in the garage on the left side of the building, including spaces for bicycles. License plates need to be registered at the reception.

Public Transport

The Berlin Central Station is about 15 minutes walking distance from the SAP AppHaus Berlin. Alternatively, choose the bus stop “Otto-Weidt-Platz” (Bus 147) or the subway station “Schwartzkopfstraße” (U6).


The SAP AppHaus Berlin is free of barriers and can be reached via elevators.
